MBHT's Fabulous Perfumers offers a Level One Beginner perfume making course and a Level Two Advanced perfume making course.  The Level One course is perfect for anyone who loves perfume or has an interest in perfumery and wants to make their own scents.  The Level Two advanced course is open to Level One graduates who wish to expand their knowledge and create custom perfumes for personal or commercial interest. 


Students who complete the Level One perfumery course and Level Two advanced perfumery course will


  • apply perfume blending techniques
  • recognize perfumes groups and classifications
  • understand natural and synthetic perfumery materials
  • learn to structure a perfume and create a scent from raw materials
  • use equipment for perfume making and testing
  • make original own distinctive perfumes
  • learn the role of a creative perfumer
  • how to create perfumes safely and confidently
  • how to create commercially viable fragrances
  • learn the fundamentals of developing and pricing a product line
  • gain experience with 100 raw materials